
Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Free Write: Writing a memory away

This free-write is kind of more of a writing exercise based on a quote from Fyodor Dostoevsky's Notes from Underground (this translation by Richard Pevear and Larissa Volokhonsky). The Underground man is the narrator in this novel that is written as a sort of personal journal of sorts.  Here the Underground man is wondering why he writes his thoughts rather than just thinking them to himself.

Here is the quote:

[M]aybe I will indeed get relief from the writing. Today, for example, I'm particularly oppressed by one distant recollection. I recalled it clearly the other day, and it has since stayed with me like a nagging musical tune that refuses to be gotten rid of. And yet one must get rid of it. I have hundreds of such recollections; but some one out of a hundred emerges every now and then and oppresses me. I believe for some reason that if I write it down, I shall then be rid of it. So why not try? Finally: I'm bored, and I constantly do nothing. And writing things down really seems like work. They say work makes a man good and honest. Well, here's a chance, at least.

So try a five minute free-write doing one of two things:

1) Reflect on why you might write your thoughts and experiences down.  What value might it have for you?


2) Is there a memory that you kind of want to get rid of?  Try writing it down and reflecting on it.  Then crumble it up and throw it away.

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