
Thursday, August 10, 2017

Essay Writing: Transitions Practice

Transition Words

In addition                          Similarly
Furthermore                        Moreover
In contrast                           Therefore
For this reason                     However
Thus                                     On the other hand                                       
On the contrary                    As a result                                                            

Write each transitional word in the group it belongs to:
Addition (AND)             Contrast (BUT)       Cause and Effect (SO)

Fill in the blanks with a transitional words from the list above.
  1. Using cell phones can be extremely helpful for young people. ________________, it can be harmful to their learning.
  2. When I receive a text, it takes my attention away from my studies. ________________, I always turn the volume off when I’m studying for a test.
  3. Nowadays, cell phones have so many useful apps, such as a dictionary and map. ___________, they provide internet access, which can be helpful when doing research.
  4. Most teachers are opposed to using cell phones in class. _______________, they do allow laptops for taking notes.
Write a sentence that logically follows the transition.
  1. I use my phone for everything. As a result, __________________________________________.
  2. I use my phone for everything. However, ____________________________________________.

Rewrite the following sentence using Therefore. You may have to change the punctuation.
My friend really liked a rapper who was always drinking alcohol in his music videos, so she started drinking, too.

Fill in the blanks with a transition word that fits each context, keeping in mind punctuation rules. You may not change the punctuation in the paragraph. Do not use the same transition word twice.

The author states that multi-tasking can cause negative results. ______________, he points out how our brains can get confused and overwhelmed if we do too many things at once.
I agree that multi-tasking can sometimes be a bad idea. ____________, I don’t think that we should avoid it all the time. ______________, in certain situations it can even be helpful. For example, at my job at a restaurant, I am expected to multi-task all the time. I need to talk to customers, write down their orders, get their drinks, and bring them their food. ______________, my brain can feel a little tired and unfocused by the end of the day. ______________, I have never made a huge mistake because I was multi-tasking. _____________ doing two things at the same time can be mentally fatiguing, it doesn’t always bring negative results.

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